Tackle Express Blog

Fishing Live Bait Offshore - How to hook a live bait.
Fishing live bait is one of the most productive and easiest ways to catch a variety of different fish in Southern California. Finding out which bait to fish, how to hook it, and how to fish it can be difficult for anglers to understand.
What line should I use? Braid, mono, or fluorocarbon?
Let’s start out by discussing the different line and leader combinations. The first one that comes to mind is the classic, all monofilament. This is definitely the most cost effective option when it comes to spooling. It’s also great for beginners as mono tends to be much more forgiving when it comes to casting and line management. The drawback is that mono needs to be replaced fairly often as it loses strength every time it is fished. Sunlight and repeated exposure to water can also weaken it by breaking down the physical makeup of the line. It also has a tremendous amount of stretch that can, in some instances, lead to missed hook-sets and lost fish.